NOTE: My original goal was one new “Reason” every weekday until Nov 5. Because I started on July 3rd, I calculated that would be about 90 posts on Facebook. One week later, I decided to also post on this website in order to include embedded videos, at times extended information that wouldn’t fit on a FB post, and my list of sources as well as providing a more convenient place for reading any or all previous posts. That has made each article’s research and writing task much longer. I am now finding it very difficult to keep up. Reluctantly facing reality, and health factors more recently, I am now accepting that I will write as much as I can, but as of today it is looking like there will only be +/- 50 “Reasons” by Election Day. But I assure you there are far more than 90 reasons to defeat Trump. – Richard, 10/8/2024.
NOTE 2: October 31, 2024 was my last post before election day 2024. On that day, in addition to this list of all of my 50 Reasons — written below in the order of random choices over the 17 weeks between July 3 and October 31 — I have all categorized the 50 posts into 2 sub-lists:
1 – Compare Candidates’ Positions on Issues or Policies
That list is found here:
2 – Compare the Character of Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden
That list is found here:
My Random Thoughts Over 17 Weeks Preceding the 2024 Election of Donald Trump
A) By title and the first 70 words of the article: CLICK HERE.
B) By title alone, linked to the full post: Read Below.
- 1) Trump’s Love of Tariffs Will Hurt Workers and the Poor
- 2) Trump’s Clear Attempt to Change the 2020 Electoral Count in Georgia was a Crime in Plain Earshot
- 3) Clean Water Will Keep Disappearing Under Trump
- 4) Trump’s Corporate Tax Plan is Harmful and Wrong-Headed.
- 5) Trump Previously Handed Over the Reins of Government to Corporate Elites or Their Lobbyists – Part 1
- 6) Trump Solidified a Partisan Right-Wing Supreme Court That Has Nullified Previous Long-Standing Court Decisions Supported by a Majority of Americans
- 7) Trump Previously Handed Over the Reins of Government to Corporate Elites or Their Lobbyists – Part 2
- 8) Trump Has Encouraged Violence
- 9) Trump Promises to Be a “Strong” [ie., Authoritarian] President
- 10) Breaking the Law as a Means to an End: It is an Ugly Stench that Surrounds Trump – Part 1
- 11) Breaking the Law as a Means to an End: It is an Ugly Stench that Surrounds Trump – Part 2
- 12) Trump Doesn’t Understand or Care About American Healthcare
- 13) Trump is a Bully; That is the Opposite of a Leader
- 14) Trump Lied About His Business Success
- 15) Trump Disrespects the Military & Misunderstands its Role
- 16) Trump Can’t Accept Responsibility for Mistakes or Wrongs
- 17) Trump Plans to Obliterate a Major Firewall for our Democracy: The Civil Service
- 18) Women’s Rights!
- 19) Trump Embraces Christian Nationalism
- 20) Many That Know Trump Best Are Not Voting For Him
- 21) Trump Continually Challenges Racial or Ethnic Identities of Non-White Politicians With Whom He Disagrees
- 22) Trump is Wrong on Guns
- 23) The Cryptocurrency Lobby is Lining up Behind Trump.
- 24) I Like Joy & Compassion More Than Anger & Revenge
- 25) Trump is a Fake Populist (Part 1)
- 26) Trump is a Fake Populist (Part 2 – On Tax Policy)
- 27) Trump is a Fake Populist (Part 3 – On Workers’ Rights)
- 28) A Vote for Trump Could Eviscerate Marriage Equality
- 29) Trump is NOT STABLE: He is a Pathological Liar
- 30) Trump is NOT STABLE: He Most Likely Has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)
- 31) Social Studies!
- 32) Trump is Clueless About Many Important Things; It’s Probably Due to Functional Illiteracy
- 33) Trump’s Despair Began 11/3/20; Now His Desperate Words and Actions Are Proving He is NOT A STABLE GENIUS
- 34) Trump is NOT STABLE NOR A GENIUS: Summary
- 35) Labor DayTopic: Vote Harris / Walz & a Blue Congress for Raising the Federal Minimum Wage to $15 (at Least!)
- 36) Too Many Americans Failed to Listen to Khizr Khan in 2016, Let’s Not Repeat That Mistake in 2024
- 37) Trump Violated His Oath of Office
- 38) Economy: Corporate Tax Rate Plans (Reason #4) Updated
- 39) I Want to Talk Policy But Tyranny is Staring Us in the Eye
- 40) Economy: Tax Plans For Personal Incomes Above $400k
- 41) Economy: Tax Plans For Personal Incomes Below $400k
- 42) Harris is and will be a Calm and Steady hand at the wheel. Trump is Erratic and Impulsive, and his statements regarding the economy are just part of his pattern.
- 43) Defeat Trump Now Because of All the Horrible and/or Crazy Things He Did During His Former Term as President.
- 44) Trump is a Threat to Our National Security – 1 of 3
- 45) Trump is a Threat to Our National Security – 2 of 3
- 46) Trump is a Threat to Our National Security – 3 of 3
- 47) Because, in this particular election, it is your responsibility and duty …
- 48) Because, “slashing regulations” could actually just slash away beautiful progress instead!
- 49) Because I’m tired of hearing trash-talk and insults from Trump and many who apparently feel that’s OK now
- 50) Finally, How Will You Decide?
The cartoon below relates to Reasons # 29 – # 34.