50) Finally – How Will You Decide?

Will you decide based on the candidate’s positions on policies? Or will you choose according to your assessment of the candidates’ character? I have some advice on both methods of deciding. I have suggestions and links on how to find the platform and policy goals for both Trump and Harris. Then I have sorted and re-listed many of my own reasons into different categories of reasons – like the economy, … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST

49) Because I’m tired of hearing trash-talk and insults from Trump and many who apparently feel that’s OK now.

Whether aspiring to the highest Office in the country or actually occupying it, Trump issues daily speeches, social media posts, press conferences that are filled with endless denunciations about the state of the country and vile nicknames and insults when referring to other Americans. All amplified by click-greedy media and fake “news” sites, many of which  have been set up in the USA by Russian intelligence agencies. Biden gave us … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST

48) Because, “slashing regulations” could actually just slash away beautiful progress instead!

Republican President Richard Nixon established the Environmental Protection Agency in 1970 by executive order, consolidating various environmental agencies scattered throughout multiple cabinet departments. I had just begun teaching High School Social Studies two years before that, and continued until 1984. During the 70s, interdisciplinary teaching was “a thing” and I coordinated with a science department teacher for a part of senior topics that focused on Water and Air Pollution. A … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST

47) Because, in this particular election, it is your responsibility and duty …

That’s What Liz Cheney, Former Republican Member of Congress, Says In an ABC TV Interview (9/8/24).  Here are three Key Paragraphs from Ms. Cheney: I’ve been voting for forty years, my first vote I ever cast was for Ronald Reagan in 1984. I’ve never voted for a Democrat. That tells you the stakes in this election. Donald Trump presents a challenge and a threat, fundamentally to the republic, we see … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST