10) Breaking the Law as a Means to an End: It is an Ugly Stench that Surrounds Trump – Part 1

Reason #10 to Vote Blue on Nov 5 1) Trump himself submitted falsified business records 34 times in order to cover up his unseemly escapade with Stormy Daniels lest some voters in 2020 find out about it and perhaps be influenced by knowing what he did. After evidence was presented to New York jurors of these business crimes, he was convicted on May 30, 2024.  Trump was scheduled to be … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST

9) Trump Promises to Be a “Strong” [ie., Authoritarian] President

Reason #9 to Vote Blue on Nov 5 Trump believes that America needs a strong national leader, one with powers beyond that of our Constitution. It is Trump’s own words that cause me and others* to compare him to dictators or absolute kings in history.   Consider his speech in New Hampshire on December 16, 2023.** In the address, Trump praised (1) Hungarian strongman Viktor Orbán: He “is the man … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST

8) Trump Has Encouraged Violence

Reason #8 to Vote Blue on Nov 5 On Saturday, July 13 an attempt was made to kill former President Trump during an outdoor rally in rural western Pennsylvania. The gunman’s fire hit Trump’s ear, but he is apparently safe. Unfortunately, one bystander was murdered and two others critically injured. I hate violence of all types and what happened at the rally was very, very wrong.  But I am also … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST

7) Trump Previously Handed Over the Reins of Government to Corporate Elites or Their Lobbyists – Part 2

Reason #7 to Vote Blue on Nov 5 Trump says he’s against the “elite.” Yet his actions show the opposite. In his previous administration, Trump appointed corporate elites or lobbyist stooges who did whatever they could to help big business at the expense of the poor and middle class. Two more examples:   Treasury Secretary. Steven Mnuchin got personally rich during his 17 years at Goldman Sachs, specializing in the … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST