6) Trump Solidified a Partisan Right-Wing Supreme Court That Has Nullified Previous Long-Standing Court Decisions Supported by a Majority of Americans

Reason #6 to Vote Blue on Nov 5 Today (July 11, 2024), Judge Merchan was going to sentence Donald Trump for the 34 felonies on which a jury convicted him, involving falsification of business records that Trump did to hide his unseemly visit with porn star Stormy Daniels, which may have impacted voters in 2020.*  But the sentencing has been postponed due to the 6-3 US Supreme Court decision on … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST

5) Trump Previously Handed Over the Reins of Government to Corporate Elites or Their Lobbyists – Part 1

Reason #5 to Vote Blue on Nov 5 Known famously for “I’m gonna drain the swamp!” – he instead did the opposite; he appointed corporate executives (the wealthy elite) or more often corporate lobbyists (the wealthy elite stooges) to Cabinet positions. They did whatever they could to disable the mission of their respective departmental assignments.  A few examples:  Labor Secretary. The most famous was Frances Perkins, appointed by President Franklin … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST

4) Trump’s Corporate Tax Plan is Harmful and Wrong-Headed.

Reason #4 to Vote Blue on Nov 5 Trump’s plan is to LOWER the corporate tax rate from 21% to 20%.* Biden’s plan is to RAISE the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%.* This is the history of the corporate tax rate from World War II:** Trump and the GOP lowered the corporate tax rate in 2017 from 35% to 21% as part of the infamous 2017 Tax Cut … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST

3) Clean Water Will Keep Disappearing Under Trump

Reason #3 to Vote Blue on Nov 5 In the June 27 CNN Debate, Trump was asked, “Will you take any action as President to slow the climate crisis?” TRUMP REPLIED:  “So, I want absolutely immaculate clean water and I want absolutely clean air, and we had it. We had H2O. We had the best numbers ever. … And my top environmental people gave me that statistic just before I … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST