42) Harris is and will be a Calm and Steady hand at the wheel. Trump is Erratic and Impulsive, and his statements regarding the economy are just part of his pattern.

Money comes into the US Treasury through taxes (revenue), and leaves the Treasury in various forms of spending. Spending can be in the form of a program like SNAP (food stamps) or in the form of a (refundable) child tax credit. Either way, if there is less revenue than money spent, there is a deficit and a contribution to the $35.7 trillion national debt. Most people agree that the growth … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST

41) Economy: Tax Plans For Personal Incomes Below $400k

My View: The Tax Code is Overly Complicated, Mostly to Provide Benefits to the Wealthy. A True Reform Would Take Years. In the Meantime, Yes – Add Benefits Targeted to Needy Groups.  Harris’s proposals do target help to the middle class and the barely surviving workers. While Trump’s plan mainly helps the wealthy or else are simply reckless bribes. Review Reason #40 looked at tax change proposals that impact those with … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST

40) Economy: Tax Plans For Personal Incomes Above $400k

My View: The Very Wealthy Should Pay Their Fair Share  Let’s compare Tax law from 2016 (before the Trump administration), Tax law NOW, and the views of each candidate. Let’s see which candidate swings toward helping the wealthy pay their fair share. To keep this as simple as possible, I have chosen to show only the facts for a “single taxpayer under 65.” As you know, many of us file … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST

39) I Want to Talk Policy But Tyranny is Staring Us in the Eye

I want to continue my series on a comparison of the economic proposals of Trump and Harris, but today I am again reminded that talking policy is a minor part of this election. Because I received this email from Liz Cheney: Friend, JD Vance recently said, that if he were Vice President, he would have asked for new electors instead of certifying the 2020 election results. Let’s be clear: This … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST