30) Trump is NOT STABLE: He Most Likely Has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD)

My Introduction to This Topic In the summer of 2021 (on Zoom, in mid-pandemic), I happened to participate in a group discussion of the book Stop Walking on Eggshells which discusses personality disorders. One chapter describes the characteristics of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). As I read it, my reaction was: this chapter describes Donald Trump! Now I understand him! That book chapter is actually an elaboration on the criteria for … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST

29) Trump is NOT STABLE: He is a Pathological Liar

During the 2016 Republican Primaries and Before, Trump’s Compulsive Lying Was Visible to Many. He Won Anyway. When Trump viciously lied about Senator Ted Cruz’s father during the Republican 2016 Primary Campaigns, Cruz complained in a May 3 press conference. He continued his remarks with an extremely honest an insightful commentary on Trump, the man that has come to dominate the news media during the last nine years. He called … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST

28) A Vote for Trump Could Eviscerate Marriage Equality

Reason #28 to Vote Blue on Nov 5—-> Harris clearly supports marriage equality! In a September 29, 2022 statement about the passage of the 2022 “Respect for Marriage Act,” Harris recalls: “I had the honor to perform some of our nation’s first same-sex marriages at San Francisco City Hall in 2004, where couples celebrated not only a joyful union, but the protection and respect of fundamental human rights. The right to start … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST

27) Trump is a Fake Populist (Part 3) – On Workers’ Rights

Reason #27 to Vote Blue on Nov 5 In “Reason #25,” I argued that Trump is deceiving many in the middle class who think he is on their side. He is not a populist. In “Reason 26” I mentioned one way to identify a real populist is the tax test; candidates that prefer mainly progressive taxes (like the graduated income tax) instead of regressive taxes (like sales taxes or tariffs) … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST