22) Trump is Wrong on Guns

Reason #22 to Vote Blue on Nov 5 Let’s look at some indicators that might tell us what to expect from the two candidates on the topic of gun safety. This is a complex subject with conflicting views and an amazingly confusing matrix of federal and state laws. If you want to dive deeply, here is a great website where you can look at all aspects of gun safety regulation. … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST

21) Trump Continually Challenges Racial or Ethnic Identities of Non-White Politicians With Whom He Disagrees

Reason #21 to Vote Blue on Nov 5 Trump does not stay focused on the policies of other candidates. And clearly he does not celebrate the candidacy of non-white politicians. He is clearly bothered! Annoyed by non-white opponents! It is bizarre.  Donald Trump was a prominent promoter of [Obama] birther conspiracy theories. In 2010, at the urging of Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen, the National Enquirer began promoting a potential Trump presidential campaign, and with … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST

20) Many That Know Trump Best Are Not Voting For Him

Reason #20 to Vote Blue on Nov 5 Fred Trump III, Donald Trump’s nephew said, “I believe in policy over politics, and without question Kamala Harris’s policies are what I’ll get behind. So I will be voting for Kamala Harris, and if I am asked, I will campaign for her without hesitation.” He perceives Donald Trump to be without empathy, recounting conversations about disabled people where the former President’s view … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST

19) Trump Embraces Christian Nationalism

Reason #19 to Vote Blue on Nov 5 Jesus said that you can distinguish those who are his real followers from false prophets by looking at their fruit. (Matthew 7:15-20). An apostle later listed examples of “fruit of the Spirit”: “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” (Galatians 5:22-23). Does that sound like the Donald Trump you know? Is Donald Trump a Christ-follower? Consider- Jesus said to pray, … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST