18) Women’s Rights!

Reason #18 to Vote Blue on Nov 5 It took many years for the country to amend the Constitution to give voting rights to women! Just one of many ways that our country has moved forward from the original Constitution toward true democracy. But that was 104 years ago! And so many “rights” were nevertheless withheld — the Equal Eights Amendment has been stalled since the first efforts to pass … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST

17) Trump Plans to Obliterate a Major Firewall for our Democracy: The Civil Service

Reason #17 to Vote Blue on Nov 5 It was Republican President James Garfield who actually took a bullet for democracy. Trump recently claimed that “I took a bullet for democracy.” EVERYTHING ABOUT TRUMP IS ANTI-DEMOCRACY, so his claim is ludicrous. Why do I say that? He continues to state that the 2020 election was “stolen” from him and so, really, he was elected. This is in spite of all … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST

16) Trump Can’t Accept Responsibility for Mistakes or Wrongs

Reason #16 to Vote Blue on Nov 5 Harry Truman is well remembered for a little sign he kept on his desk in the oval office: “The Buck Stops Here.” He understood the meaning and importance of accountability. A good leader does not coverup mistakes with distractions or lies. A good leader, can admit and apologize for mistakes and self-correct. TRUMAN: “The greatest part of the President’s job is to … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST

15) Trump Disrespects the Military & Misunderstands its Role

Reason #15 to Vote Blue on Nov 5 I know Trump supporters that fervently advocated for the display of the POW/MIA flag on our local post office flag pole and on our Town Common flag pole. Good! But then, how can they can support a candidate for President who said of the late Senator John McCain, who was tortured during 6 years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, “He’s … CONTINUE READING THE WHOLE POST